Friday, July 9, 2010

Blog Update

There have been some changes made to this blog, since you last visited. I have now completed my University E-Learning in Practice course. I was most inspired by the mark I got for this blog that I have decided to continue using this blog for my professional learning. The initial focus for this blog, was on E-Learning but I have decided to branch out and look at other topics in Education. E-Learning will not be forgotten about as it is a subject I love and get a lot of satisfaction from. The topics that I have decided to research and write about are: Leadership, Reporting to Parents, Assessment and Habits of Mind. There will be more, as time progresses. I maybe able to use this blog for my next University paper on New Teacher Development.


  1. Good on you for deciding to continue with this blog Joy. I think that many New Zealand teachers are missing the point of the new curriculum and think that lifelong learning is for children - that is quite a contradiction in terms. You are a great example of a lifelong learner and I enjoy following your thoughts here.

  2. Thanks Dorothy, for making a comment on my Professional Learning blog. I look forward to extending my own learning during the next few weeks. There's lots of interesting education topics out there and I'm keen to read about them. Great learning for me.

