Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A student's perpective on the class site

Check out how Yvette (a Year 6 student in my class) has used the class site to access her learning in Art. In Term 3, the class were learning about the famous German artist Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart. The class designed and painted their art works in the style of Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart. The unit of learning had a strong Maths and Language focus. This screen cast highlights the process Yvette went through in creating her art work and how she has used the class site to support her learning.

Screen Recording 7 from Joy Paton on Vimeo.


  1. Ka nui te mihi, Yvette. Thank you for creating this screencast. I enjoyed listening to you describe your learning. You sounded confident and had organised your ideas so that your presentation was clear. I liked the way you guided me through the process from learning, to creating and sharing.
    Thanks to Miss Paton for posting too ;-)
    Nga mihi,
    Mrs Grant

  2. What a wonderful explanation of your learning Yvette.
    Thank you for explaining so clearly to all of us.

    Mrs Burt
